It's all come back to me?

This blog is back!

After 3 months being label as a false positive spam blog, Blogger seems to restore this blog.

I find it is a good thing I can get this back but what should I do with it now...

The first thing I did was to remove Entrecard. Yep. After my experience with them due the down of my blog, I finally see thru their "helpfulness". All my experience of this blog being closed with Entrecard and Blogger can be found here.

Now that I have been blogging about my toy and games hobby at my another blog, I need to think it over what am I going to do with this blog.

Suggestion anyone?


Faisal Admar said…
gees, blogger banned your blog? meaning you couldn't even login?
LEon said…
blogger ban leonography that time. not all of my blog. that how i started :P Now they restore my old blog.
eastcoastlife said…
congrats! Finally!

My blog was classified as spam blog too but they did not ban it.
LEon said…
thx i dun know what to do with this blog...
LEon said…
THx Nicksuneo! :)
Anonymous said…
3 months is a very long time to be. You must have a lot blog that you created and relate them to the main? That's the only reason I can think of now.
LEon said…
Not really Tommy. They just enable this blog during the new year.